Assignment Marketing

Chemistry HW – 10 Questions Using chem equation given
September 24, 2021
redo dis need done asap!!!
September 24, 2021

Each Task contains videos and questions for discussion…

Words limit …350-450 words for every tasks 

Due date . 21/09/13




Task 1..

Types of Sampling Techniques





Concept: A video showing the different probability sampling approaches one can use to select a sample.



Description: Goes over some examples of probability sampling in a classroom setting.




Questions for discussion: Suppose a marketing researcher wanted to select an appropriate sample of Coca-Cola drinkers and try to understand their attitudes and perceptions towards the brand. Discuss why the probability sampling methods outlined in the video clip would be inappropriate. What might be a pragmatic sampling technique to use?


Task 2..

Peter Donnelly shows how stats fool juries





Concept: Patterns can be confusing, averages.



Clip description: Oxford mathematician Peter Donnelly reveals the common mistakes humans make in interpreting statistics, and the devastating impact these errors can have on the outcome of criminal trials. From the archives of the outstanding annual TED conference.




Discussion points/suggested activities: What did you think would be most frequent: HTT or HTH? What are the implications of getting our statistics wrong?


Task 3..

Statistical vs. Practical Significance, by Keith Bower





Concept: A discussion on how low p-values may not imply ‘practical’ significance.



Clip description: a brief explanation of why a large sample almost always will give us statistically significant results, but not necessarily results of any real consequence.




Discussion points/suggested activities: How do we decide what is an important difference then?


Task 4…

Life after Death by Powerpoint with Don McMillan, by transekid





Concept: Bad PowerPoint presentation habits.



Clip description: How not to do PowerPoint. Don McMillan presents slides with too much text, spell checking, too many bullet points, bad colour schemes, too many slides, too much data on a slide, and animation.




Discussion points/suggested activities: Do you make presentations like this? Does anyone you know do this? How do you present complex results then? Part seven: Formulating Conclusions and Writing the Final Report


Task 5…

 – Scenario Planning

Scenario Planning Links

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