Prompt Discussion

Pick a theorists and write a journal article including the four stages immersing
September 29, 2021
10 Page Strawberry Research Crop Report
September 29, 2021

In this week’s discussion activity, you will research professional organizations that support your chosen career path. For example, one popular website for professional healthcare associations is Health Profession and Medical Organizations/Associations. Find your area of study, and obtain as much information as you can about joining a professional organization. Association websites should have a Membership link for more information on the process to join, their upcoming events, and the benefits for their members. Your discussion post must include the following information. (Please note that if there is a cost to join, you do not need to actually join at this time)

  • Name of Professional Organization
  • Examples of Jobs/Occupations
  • Website address or physical mailing address of Professional Organization
  • Cost to join
  • Benefits for members, upcoming meetings, conferences, events


To ensure continued success in your career, consider joining a professional organization to broaden your network. There are associations for nearly every profession and many have national, state and regional chapters. Most professional associations provide extensive career resources to help you accomplish your objectives. You will have access to job listings that are only available to members on-line or in print. Many professional organizations offer ongoing educational opportunities that may be useful for you to remain current in your field. As you prepare to enter the healthcare industry, consider the many benefits of joining a professional organization. Once you join, don’t forget to include your association membership on your resume. This is another way to show future employers that you are dedicated to staying connected in your profession. Ultimate Medical Academy also provides you with access to the Career Club for further information about professional organizations in your area of study.


Remember to explore additional tips located in your Educational Activities folder. You will find helpful information on proper workplace behaviors and strategies for continued success in the healthcare setting.


Writing and collaborating are important skills for a career in the allied healthcare field. The discussion forum is a way to practice refining your writing skills and having professional conversations with other students. UMA expects all students to demonstrate scholastic honesty. Plagiarism, using another’s ideas or writing without crediting the source, is not an acceptable practice.

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