Need assistance with a portion of a team assignment.

Unit V Power Point (EMS)
October 11, 2021
write a discussion board using the information presented below using at least 3 professional references APA format
October 11, 2021

Hello I only need help with a portion of a team assignment which is a powerpoint. My responsibility is two bullets which I will list below however the powerpoint has already been started and my slides are 8 and 9. Here are the two bullets I chose:

1. Why do you think those tools and techniques would work or not work given your specific environment?

2. Provide 2 to 4 examples of financial versus non-financial tools to motivate your staff.

I will attach the powerpoint so that you can fill in this information on slides 8 and 9. Here are the instructions for this assignment. Please include speaker notes.

Imagine you have each been promoted as part of a new management team for a long-term care facility. During the past two months, you have noticed an increase in conflicts between your co-workers and other departments, such as pharmacy or dietary. Your boss sees this as an issue and has asked your management team to find a solution.

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes that addresses the following:

  • What elements are found in an effective health care work group?
  • How does a leader’s leadership style influence the work group?
  • What tools are available to help motivate and empower the work group?
  • Do these tools differ by environment?
  • Why do you think those tools and techniques would work or not work given your specific environment?
  • Provide 2 to 4 examples of financial versus non-financial tools to motivate your staff.

Cite a minimum of 3 references.

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