Nursing Guillain-Barré Syndrome

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Nursing Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Project description
Summarize each article. Include in the summary all information related to reliability, level of research, and generalizability of the findings based on design and sample size. These are the articles:

Clinical, electrophysiological subtypes and antiganglioside antibodies in childhood Guillain-Barre syndrome
Meena A Karman, Rathna Kishore Ch, Iabeen S. A, Rukmini Mridula K., Pragnya Rae’, Borgohain R.

Atypical Findings of Cuillain-Barre Syndrome in Children
Karimzadeh P, Bakhshande Bali MK, Nasehi MM, Taheri Otaghsara SM, Ghofrani M. Atypical
Findings of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Children. Iran J Child Neurol Autumn 2012;6(4): 17-22.


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