MN552 Kaplan Unit 2 ?SOAP Note Section I And Genogram Guide

Faith and Nursing
December 17, 2021
follow the instruction below plz.
December 17, 2021

SOAP Note Section I and Genogram

  1. Please select a volunteer friend or family member to interview and gather data to complete this Assignment.
  2. This section of the SOAP note will include the chief complaint, history of present illness, and family/social/personal history data.
  3. Click here for the written guide for this Assignment.
    1. The guide will assist you in gathering subjective data in an organized, systematic manner to prevent omission of important components of the health history.
    2. Make sure you address all content as noted in the written guide.
    3. Include the genogram together with this Assignment as one document.
    4. You may search the Web to locate a suitable genogram diagram to input data. Only include three generations in the genogram depiction.
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