Ethical issue or dilemma

Include photoghaphs
September 4, 2019
Challenges and Benefits
September 4, 2019

Please read the case study entitled, “Lack of Consent and Patient Death” on p. 402 in your textbook (**Page 335 for 5th edition).


– Provide a brief summary of the case, leading into the ethical issue or dilemma.

– Consider the case using one ethical theory.

-Address the questions as the end of the case.

– When using class terms, be sure to explain them and to specifically show how you are applying the to the case. To say, “Dr Yalson demonstrated beneficence” is not a complete or adequate response. Explain beneficence and provide a specific example of how it was demonstrated.


** You should provide more than 1 page per case to thoroughly address the questions/issues. Be sure to include the questions presented with the case.

** All references consulted (including the text) should be referenced appropriately within your response—APA style—and a list of references should be supplied at the end of your document.

** In-text citations documented and formatted using APA

** Microsoft Word document with 1” margins all around

** 12 pt. Times New Roman font

** Double-spaced work.

** Paragraph (commentary) format, not a bulleted or numbered response.

******** ATTACHED WILL BE THE CASE “Lack of Consent and Patient Death” TO READ IN ORDER TO DO THE ASSIGNMENT*********

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