“Chaos” by Gleick and “Human Adaptation to Climatic Impacts on Biodiversity” by Gotfryd, assignment help

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September 13, 2021
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Attached you will find the articles “Chaos” by Gleick and “Human Adaptation to Climatic Impacts on Biodiversity” by Gotfryd

Then write a paper 3 full pages(double space) mls format 12 size font.

In this you will address the following prompt

1.What are the main points Ed Lorenz made? What are the main points Dr Gotfryd made?

2.How does the meteorological concept of the “Butterfly Effect” extended outside of the boundaries of meteorology and how can one apply this conceptt and the broader idea it represents to empower society in general and the individual in particular.

3. How does this idea strengthen your own self-confidence and reveal the power you have to make ta positive change in your life, for those you care about in the world

You can use real-life examples (either your own life experiences or those in an outside source/article) to help address the question. Note, back up your assessments with both articles. Failure to do so and just reading online blurbs instead of attached reading will result in a withdrawal. You don’t need any outside resources but if used please cite them.

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