discussion 4 response

computer charting system
January 28, 2022
His w4 d1
January 28, 2022

please, write a one paragraph response to the following discussion. APA format required with one reference from peer-reviewed Nursing Journal not older than 5 years.


The health history collection and interview from health care provider or nurse to a patient to collect necessary data can be challenging and demands expertise and sensitivity to establish a professional relationship that enables the patient to express problems, and the nurse to find solutions. The primary goal is to establish a therapeutic communication with the patient to help them communicate matters that are affecting their life. Abilities such as listening, caring, empathy, and self-examination are essential for successful nurse-patient therapeutic communication (Jensen, 2011).

Every patient brings different challenges for the nurses and healthcare providers as they interview the patients. Newman, O’Reilly, Siew, & Kennedy (2017) found in their research that the challenges health care professionals experienced interviewing patients with mental challenges are many. For example, one of them was the lack of understanding of the procedures that patient was having; they describe how the given writing information such as the inform consent, help the patients understand better and be aware of the kind of procedure the patient will go through. Another challenge was the lack of understanding from both patients and health care providers for lack of good verbal communication from both parts; they also describe how verbal explanations are crucial to reinforce and clarify any doubts that the patient has, and give the patient an opportunity to recall and re-phrase what they understood.  This research also mentioned that the most crucial skill that helps providers to fulfill mental patient’s needs was attentive listening, and the most challenging skill to develop as a health care provider of patients with mental conditions was controlled the emotional aspect, and do not let the therapeutic and communication relationship be affected.

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