GS102 Grantham University Ch 1 Key Features Of Living Things Paper

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Key Features of Living Things

How Living Things Are Alike

Even though we cannot precisely define “life,” we can intuitively understand what it means because all living things share a particular set of key features. All require ongoing inputs of energy and raw materials; all sense and respond to change; and all pass DNA to offspring.

Properties of Life

Chapter 1 of the textbook highlights three key features of living things. First, explain these three features. Then, from the list below, choose TWO items that you consider to be alive and TWO others that you do not consider to be alive. Apply the properties of living organisms, found in the textbook, to justify your classification for each of the items you selected.

Choose From:


Copy machine







Sand dollar


Your completed assignment should be a minimum of 500 words in length. APA format.

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