In 500 words or less, does science education inherently change if religion is also taught in the same school

Discussion Board
January 8, 2022
Heterogeneous Catalytic Systems in Chemical Process Industries Report
January 8, 2022

In 500 words or less, does science education inherently change if religion is also taught in the same school? Please make sure you cite your sources and respond in few Sentences to four different peers. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

peer 1:

Science education should not change if religion is also taught in the same school. Religion should be taught as part of history. It is part of history. The religious wars and the way that religion has changed and shaped the world should be taught. It happened and it is happening. In order to avoid more religious wars, we need to teach our children about other religions so that they can understand them and not hate them. We can “resist religious intolerance and bigotry and instead learn about the religious other (Rosenblith).”

“The Constitution ensures that every student who receives public schooling has the opportunity to express his or her sincerely held belief, or to be free from the unwelcome pressure to believe at all (Center for Public Education).” That means that they can share their religion with others without fear of prosecution. History class is not forcing anybody to worship Genghis Khan or Jesus it is simple telling us they existed and you should be educated about it. Kids should learn about the crusades and the Salem witch trials because they were real things that happened. They aren’t myths. Teachers can acknowledge that people use aloe vera on sunburns that doesn’t mean that the teacher is pushing wicca on her students. How can we expect our students to form an opinion if we do not give them all the information?

“Giving students the tools to better understand the complex and powerful roles that religions play in human experience has the potential to help mitigate bigotry based on misrepresentation, while simultaneously enhancing empathy and understanding across differences of all kinds. In our current climate of extreme partisanship (a climate that today’s students experience as “normal”), we need all the empathy and understanding we can muster (Moore).” How can a child love his neighbor when he doesn’t know what his neighbor believes in? There is so much misinformation on the internet about religions that they are growing up hating Islam and misunderstanding Buddhism. Pentacles are not a sign of the devil but I still get dirty look when I where one on my Supernatural backpack. It’s ignorance and our education system could help fix it.

According to a survey in 2006 by the Pew Research Center, 69% of Americans agree with the notion that they ‘have gone too far in trying to keep religion out of the schools and the government (Pew Research Center).” Prayer and worship are not necessary to put religious studies back into school. Teach it as part of a history class and it’ll be acceptable and break no rules or laws.

peer 2:

First, I think that science education inherently would not change if religion is also taught in the same school. According to Suzanne Rosenblith, the relationship between religion and public education has been fraught with misunderstanding, confusion, tension, and hostility. The main reason may be that religion evokes a strong sense of exclusivity, so the inclusion of religious education in public schools is likely to help students to understand religion more fully, rather than just through media or personal one-sided reports. In fact, teaching religion and teaching about religion are two totally different terms. Teaching religion refer to the religious practice and which should be prohibited in public schools. However, Religion can be raised as part of a secular education program. The “teaching about Religion” course should be added to teach students the role of religion in the history, culture, literature and social development of the countries. These plans should instill understanding, tolerance and respect for pluralistic societies. When discussing religion in this context, religion must be discussed in a neutral, objective, balanced and factual manner.

There are some advantages if religion is also taught in school. From our lecture reading, providing students the tools to better understand the complex and powerful role that religion plays in human experience may help mitigate misinformation-based prejudice while increasing sympathy and understanding of differences. In addition, teaching about religion in school is also associated with the political and human rights issues. From the record of Center for Public Education, these types of cases have been around for decades, but as the United States has become increasingly polarized along religious lines, disputes and subsequent lawsuits over religion in the schools have drawn widespread attention on a local, state, and national level. Therefore, allowing religion to be taught in school would not change science education inherently, but insure that every student who receives a public school education has the opportunity to express his or her sincere beliefs or to get rid of unwelcome stress.

peer 3:

I think science education would not necessarily change a whole lot if religion was taught in the same school. I think the smart thing to do as this topic continues throughout school education would be to teach both. The school program should allow a student to make their own decisions based on if they believe in science or religion. However, I think if science and religion were taught in the same school, there would be complaints from the parents of the students. At this point, where we are in society, there is no chance that science and religion will be taught in the same school. After doing some research, I read a study by Pew Research Center, 69% of Americans agree with the notion that they ‘have gone too far in trying to keep religion out of the schools and the government.” In my opinion, they are not teaching it because of my previous statement. Parents will protest, and the schools won’t like that.

On another point, I think both subjects should be taught throughout the school education system. Tons of religious history is exciting, and people should learn about it. This way, students will choose their path, and no one will make their decisions for themselves. This is just like the pledge of allegiance being taken out of all schools. This world we live in is changing in front of our eyes. All of this is a domino effect, one thing after another falls.

Science will not change if religion is taught. They will teach both subjects if they want this idea even close to being liked by the people of America. The Oxford says, “The relationship between religion and public education has been fraught with misunderstanding, confusion, tension, and hostility.” That is precisely why I would teach both categories and allow the students to choose what they would like to learn. This way, no parents can complain to the school board because the school will say that this was your child’s decision. So, to answer this discussion board, I do not think science would change if religion were also taught in the same school.

peer 4:

Yes, I do believe science education inherently changes if religion is also taught in the same school because schools that also teach religion can teach creation science or intelligent design which is disputing evolution and natural selection. Also, I don’t think religion should be taught in school unless it is an elective class such as religious study, but it should not be mandatory because it can be viewed as forcing ideas about religion on students who could all have very different beliefs. In the article by the National Science Teachers it states “Science is a method of testing natural explanations for natural objects and events. Phenomena that can be observed or measured are amenable to scientific investigation. Science also is based on the observation that the universe operates according to regularities that can be discovered and understood through scientific investigations.” (National Science, 2013) Science education is only focused on the core ideas in the science world and that is how it should be emphasized in classrooms.

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